Drug abuse both long-term and short-term leads to the destruction of brain cells, low memory, and the reduction of the attention span. Damage from the use of alcohol, heroin, morphine, and methadone may be reversed to regain memory and loss of patience.
Uppsala University researchers in Sweden suggest that brain cells targeted by long-term opium abuse may be saved by HGH injections. The researchers say that this new HGH therapy may be the solution to treating patients in chronic pain and drug addicts.
Previous studies show that the use of drugs disrupts brain cells growth (neurogenesis) in the mid-brain area (hippocampus). The hippocampus area is responsible for episodic memory where short-term events and emotions are stored. Neurogenesis takes place in the body naturally until old age affects HGH levels and in return, the cell growth rate drops. As per this article, there are many more negative signs of HGH deficiency that people experience as they get older. Elderly people injected with HGH showed improved memory reports Fred Nyberg the study’s co-author. In addition to its beneficial effects on the brain, HGH is already being used off-label by many to reverse many symptoms that come with aging. For more info on the benefits of HGH go to this page.
The study report shows that HGH injections will have the same effect on opium users as in elderly people; by blocking new nerve cells formation. Synthetic HGH administration has the ability to get the process rolling again once it clears the pathways.
In the study, scientists isolated growing nerve cells from a fetus mouse. The nerve cells were put in a petri dish and then bathed the cells in morphine for a week. HGH was later introduced in some cultures. Research showed that cultures fused with morphine only eventually started dying. Cultures exposed to HGH remained constant and in some cases, they increased.
Nyberg says, “If the mouse results were to successfully replicate in human beings, we could effectively be able to reverse the hippocampus impairment caused by opium use.” He added that he is currently on a study to test the effects of HGH on a chronic pain management patient who is also suffering from memory loss. “There is notable memory improvement during the treatment regime” He adds. “From the results of the pilot study, this might work in humans as well”
Treating memory function impairment using HGH injections in Nyberg’s opinion will open doorways to alternative therapies to counter drug addiction. This will be a medical breakthrough because memory and general brain functions are vital components of the reward system.
From the National Institute on Drug Abuse based in Bethesda, Frank Vocci says he would like the same studies extended to try and explore possible alternatives of HGH use to combat drug dependency. He additionally notes that the memory component in question may not be directly related to addiction.
Assuming the studies directly replicate the results in humans. Drug addiction which mostly relies on rehabilitation therapies and counseling sessions would have a better alternative. Whether for opium use or chronic pain management, wouldn’t synthetic HGH be a medical milestone to treat memory-related complications? Do you think this therapy should be recommended for addicts or rather go for the usual traditional forms of treatment?
Can HGH Reverse Brain Damage in Drug Addicts?
Alterations in brain structure and functional connectivity in prescription opioid-dependent patients
Azcoitia, I., Perez-Martin, M., Salazar, V., Castillo, C., Ariznavarreta, C., Garcia-Segura, L. M., & Tresguerres, J. A. (2005). Growth hormone prevents neuronal loss in the aged rat hippocampus. Neurobiology of aging, 26(5), 697-703.
I started drinking alcohol when I was 19; I called it quit 3 months ago after I started forgetting things I am only 38 now which I though was too early for dementia. Anyhow I saw a doctor who requested an MRI which showed that my brain lost quite a bit of volume but luckily no amyloid and no Tau were present. The doctor attributed the memory issues to this volume loss. There was a lot of talk in the news about how HGH can help reverse brain damage caused by drug and alcohol abuse because the main benefits of HGH are related to its effect on growth. My question is can HGH help someone with my condition regenerate some new neurons? what would be the doses recommended for this condition. I looked online for any facts on this as it appears that the FDA has not yet approved it for brain damage caused by drugs and alcohol.
According to the CDC (Center for Disease Control), alcohol is the most commonly misused substance in the USA. Most people are not aware of the alcohol side effects, including brain damage. Brain damage which is destruction and deterioration of the brain cells can affect certain brain functions and lead to various neurological diseases. Some of these brain damages are also irreversible.
As alcohol impairs sleep, the secretion of the human growth hormone (HGH) can be decreased by as much as 70% as the greatest amount of this hormone is secreted during sleep. HGH is vital in the growth and repair of your body tissue and HGH Injections according to recent studies could be an possible therapy for treating brain damage caused by drug and alcohol addiction. However, further research is needed. You should talk to your healthcare provider for any concerns you might have about your condition and whether HGH injections could be beneficial for you.