HGH Benefits: Enhancing Brain Function, Skin Health, Sleep Quality, Immune Function, and More While Understanding the Risks

In our highly literate society, almost every person has heard about the human growth hormone (HGH) and its importance in our bodies. This substance that is secreted naturally by our pituitary gland has been associated with many health benefits. HGH is more popular for its use by bodybuilders and those interested in slowing the aging process.  In addition to highlighting some of the many benefits of growth hormone, we also discuss the risks involved so that you do not get caught unaware and can be better prepared to avoid these risks.


List Of the most sought after HGH benefits

If you are not yet a growth hormone enthusiast, you might be wondering what is the reason behind its much-raved popularity. Many people are fascinated by the wonders of this substance. Some have described it using phrases such as “Fountain of Youth,” “wonder drug,” and “21st-century medicine.”

The following are some of the known benefits:

Brain Function

    • Improves retention of information
    • Stimulates the formation of cortical neurons in the form of dendrites
    • An overall increase in alertness and memory
    • Reduces risk of age-related dementia and Alzheimer’s disease
    • Improves ability to focus
    • Enhances brain function for prolonged work duration

Skin and Hair

    •  Stimulates hair growth in alopecia patients
    • Increases hair thickness
    • Tightens skin to give firmer and smoother skin
    • Increases dermal collagen growth
    • Reduces the appearance of wrinkles, frown lines, and cellulite


    • Promotes deep sleep
    • Improves quality of sleep

Immune function

    • Promotes the growth of healthy bacteria in the gut
    • Stimulates the function of the Immune system
    • Enhances antibody production to fight infections
    • Increases earlier neutrophil maturation
    • Promotes synthesis of Red Blood Cells by enhancing erythropoiesis


    • Improves overall cardiac function
    • Reduces the risk of cerebrovascular diseases such as stroke
    • Reduces acute coronary syndrome risk
    • Promotes normal heart rate and rhythm
    • Protects from heart failure and resulting symptoms
    • Prevents peripheral vascular diseases

Body Fat

    • Increases Basal Metabolic Rate
    • Increases calorie expenditure
    • Promotes conversion of body fat into energy

Bone Density

    • Promotes mineral deposition in bones
    • Reduces loss of bone mineral density
    • Reduces the risk of osteomalacia and osteoporosis
    • Promotes bone healing

Sexual Function

HGH Benefits in Men
HGH Benefits

HGH Benefits

      • Increases sexual libido
      • Improves and shortens arousal duration
      • Prevents erectile dysfunction
      • Prolongs sexual stamina
      • Improves sexual gratification and pleasure
HGH Benefits in Women
      • Stimulates vaginal fluid secretion and increases lubrication
      • Increases arousal from sexual stimulation
      • Increases sexual desire
      • Induces multiple orgasms
      • Increases sexual libido

A Deeper Look

Obesity Control and Weight Loss

One of the serious health risks confronting modern society is obesity. This has become an epidemic in the United States and many other Western countries. The increasingly sedentary lifestyles of people have contributed immensely to this. It has been observed that HGH levels in obese individuals are abnormally low. The hormone speeds up lipolysis, which is a process by which lipids are broken down in the body. It also assists with the hydrolysis of triglycerides into free fatty acids and glycerol. In simple words, this means that you are at increased risk of having fat buildup in your body when HGH levels are low. In a large study carried out at the Palm Springs Life Extension Institute between 1994 and 1996, a 72 % improvement in body fat loss was reported after HGH therapy.

Perhaps, the most interesting thing about HGH is its ability to help fight abdominal fat, which is very tough to deal with. This idea was suggested in a double-blind study that appeared in the Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism. Reduction in abdominal and visceral adipose tissue a major HGH benefit was observed in the nine-month investigation, which had men aged between 48 and 66 years as its participants, after treatment with HGH. In addition, diastolic blood pressure decreased with body fat while there was an improvement in insulin sensitivity.

HGH Benefits Infographic

HGH Benefits Infographic


Muscle mass

Another benefit of growth hormone is that it helps build lean muscle mass. It does this while helping cut down body fat at the same time. This is a major reason why it is so popular among bodybuilders. In a 12-week, double-blind randomized study published in Hormone Research, obese participants were placed on a low-calorie diet while being treated with recombinant human growth hormone (rHGH or somatropin). The treatment group experienced an improvement in their lean muscle mass, while the placebo group saw a decline in it.

Strength Enhancement

In addition to lean muscle mass building, many bodybuilders and athletes are drawn to the growth hormone because of its ability to improve muscle strength. It enhances collagen synthesis in the tendons and skeletal muscles in the body. This boosts muscle strength and exercise performance. The strength enhancement benefit of the human growth hormone was observed in one study that appeared in the International Journal of Endocrinology. Fourteen subjects ages between 50 and 70 years were divided into two equal groups and one was given HGH therapy.

The participants in the study were re-examined six months after the growth hormone was first administered. Significantly improved muscle strength in the lower part of the body was observed in those treated with HGH. Long-term administration of the substance to HGH-deficient adult participants led to enhanced exercise capacity and improved body composition and thermoregulation along with normalization of muscle strength.

Sturdier Bones

Growth hormone-deficient individuals are known to have brittle bones. That is just another way of saying maintaining a sufficient amount of growth hormone in your body can help you build stronger bones. HGH also benefits bone mineral density. Bone mass is improved through the increase in the overall number of bone-forming cells and bone-resorbing cells.

Energy Boost

It has also been reported that HGH helps improve your energy level. People who are low on growth hormones are typically weak and may become tired after slight exertion. In the LifeSpring Institute investigation completed by Dr. Leon Terry, it was observed that HGH therapy resulted in an 84 percent boost in the energy levels of treated participants.

Sexual Function

People who are experiencing a slump in their sexual performance may also receive a boost in their libido by improving the amount of human growth hormone in their bodies. Older individuals who often suffer from low libido may find that HGH can help them perform better with their partners. It has been observed that the hormone can be quite beneficial to men suffering from erectile dysfunction. The effect of the substance on human corpus cavernosum smooth muscle was examined in a German study focused on 35 healthy adult men. The findings in the investigation suggested that men battling impotence might find it beneficial as it promotes reproductive function and sexual desire.

Read Also: HGH Dosages: The Doses Currently Used for Anti-Aging, Weight Loss, and Bodybuilding

Better cardiac health is an important  human Growth hormone benefit

Growth hormone is heart-friendly. It protects your cardiovascular system from debilitating effects. The fact that it helps to check the fat amount means it reduces the risk of suffering from cardiovascular disease, which can be potentially fatal. Research has shown that people who are HGH-deficient are more likely to have higher amounts of triglycerides and greater adipose mass, predisposing them to cardiovascular disease. Growth hormone improves your cardiac output, enhancing your level of strength and activity as a result.

Faster healing

Another important benefit of HGH is its role in promoting faster healing of wounds, burns, and fractures. This is another additional reason why it is desired by professional athletes and sportsmen. It promotes quicker bone healing by stimulating bone regeneration. The healing potential of the substance somehow explains why children and adolescents heal faster than adults since they have higher amounts of HGH. A six-month, double-blind study at the Department of Medicine of the University of California revealed that healthy older men given HGH therapy experienced faster wound healing than peers who did not receive similar treatment. The hormone promoted collagen deposition thereby fast-tracking the healing process.

Does it help Cognitive Function and Mood Enhancement?

Some studies have suggested that people, especially older individuals, who are experiencing a decline in their cognitive or mental capability may find HGH beneficial. It is believed to also improve mood and concentration. The Palm Springs study by Dr. Edmund Chein and Dr. Terry reported a 62 percent improvement in memory after treatment with HGH. Emotional stability improved by 67 percent while attitude towards life improved by 78 percent. Significant improvement in cognitive function and mood was also reported in a six-month Lithuanian study after HGH therapy.

Healthier, Younger Looking Skin and Hair

The supposed ability of human growth hormone to make you look younger is a major reason why it has become so popular these days. It is thought to be capable of tightening the skin thus reducing the appearance of wrinkles. It also helps to combat hair loss and promotes the growth of healthier, thicker hair. Dr. Chein and Dr. Terry reported significant improvement in skin texture, thickness, and elasticity in their study. They reported a 51 percent improvement in wrinkles and a 38 percent improvement in the growth of new hair.

Quality Sleep

Last but not least, growth hormone promotes quality sleep. If you are someone who finds it hard to get a restful sleep every night, you might just find raising your HGH level to be very beneficial. Good sleep in itself is essential for growth hormone production. The polypeptide is secreted in a pulsatile fashion when you are in deep sleep. You are likely not to reach that state if you find yourself waking up every 15 or 30 minutes after going to bed. Sleep deprivation can be quite harmful from this perspective.

Understanding HGH Deficiency

Growth hormone deficiency becomes a problem when the level of the substance in your body is below the amount considered optimal for good health and wellness. The hypothalamus plays a crucial role in the production of growth hormones. It sends a signal to the anterior pituitary gland to ramp up or reduce the production of the substance depending on its levels. This means you could be at risk of HGH deficiency if your hypothalamus is not functioning as well as it should. But this is just one of the possible causes of low HGH levels; old age and certain medical conditions could also contribute to this problem.

It is not easy to measure the amount of growth hormone in the body. The level of insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1) is often used to indirectly measure the levels of the hormone. Research has shown that a measurement of less than 160 ug/ml indicates a deficiency, which may give rise to a variety of symptoms depending on the age of the affected person. In children, these could include:

  • Shorter stature than peers
  • Slow tooth development
  • Poor hair growth
  • Chubbiness
  • Fat accumulation in the face and around the stomach
  • Delayed puberty

Read Also: Why is it impossible to lose weight for HGH-deficient people?

In the case of adults, symptoms of HGH deficiency may include:

These are only some of the possible symptoms that may be observed when the level of growth hormone is low in the body. It is not necessary for you to notice all these symptoms to suspect an issue with HGH levels. Some people may have several of them while others might notice just a couple. An endocrinologist is in a better position to confirm whether you have a deficiency or not.

HGH in Men and Women

People typically experience a decline in the level of HGH in their bodies after puberty, which eventually leads to signs of aging in subsequent years. The first signs of this drop usually do not become visible until after 30 – somewhere around the mid-30s. These signs could include hair loss (more noticeable on the head), weakness, apathy, emotional instability, rapid heartbeat, and loss of sexual function. Finding a way to increase HGH levels can help to address these issues.

Read Also: When Should A Parent Consider HGH Therapy For Their Short Child?

Women have been observed to produce greater amounts of growth hormone than men, with this linked to their estrogen production. Given the fact that females do not usually have ripped muscles, it could suggest that they are more likely to feel the effect of declining growth hormone levels, starting in the early 20s. The substance helps to deal with excess body fat, improve skin elasticity, reduce the risk of osteoporosis, and enhance sleep quality among others. Symptoms of low HGH levels include the appearance of wrinkles, a flabby body, loss of attractive curves, thinning of hair, and accumulation of fat in the stomach region.

How To Naturally Boost Your HGH Levels

From the foregoing, it is easy to tell that maintaining a sufficient amount of growth hormone in your body can work wonders in improving your quality of life. You might be so eager right now to find out what you can do to improve your HGH level. Some people resort to the use of somatropin, or synthetic HGH, which is the perfect replacement for that produced by the pituitary gland. However, there are several issues surrounding its use, including legality, cost, and safety.

There are several things you can do to improve your HGH level naturally. These are safer and more pocket-friendly options and, in some cases, do not even cost you a cent. The following are some suggestions you may find beneficial.

Cut down on sugar intake

Sugar and refined carbs can harm the ability of your body to produce growth hormones. These elevate the level of insulin in the body. You might wonder what that has to do with the amount of growth hormone in the body. An inverse relationship has been observed between insulin and growth hormone levels – when one rises, the other falls. Studies have shown that diabetic individuals typically have significantly lower growth hormone amounts than non-diabetics.

Lose weight

There is an obesity epidemic in today’s society and this has contributed to HGH deficiency in some people. A high amount of fat in the body, especially in the belly, is believed to interfere with growth hormone production. Research has shown that HGH levels rise in people after losing a significant amount of body fat, which is believed to be capable of raising insulin levels.

Avoid eating close to bedtime

You stand a better chance of improving your HGH levels naturally if you can avoid eating near the time you usually go to bed. It is advised to avoid food, especially those with high carb or protein content, about two hours before bedtime. Eating close to bedtime can cause your insulin levels to rise thereby interfering with growth hormone production. This is especially worrisome given that somatotropin is mostly produced when you are in deep sleep.

Engage in high-intensity exercises

Exercise has long been known to offer superb benefits to the body. It is able to produce some of these benefits through its influence on growth hormone production. Exercising at high intensity with minimal periods of rest considerably ramps up the level of HGH in your body. This is connected to an increase in lactic acid. Most benefits are obtained when this type of exercise is done long-term. HIIT, weightlifting, and repeated sprints are some of the workouts that work best.

Intermittent Fasting

Intermittent fasting can do wonders in boosting your growth hormone level. That might sound counter-intuitive considering food is necessary for growth. However, there is good research to show that you can actually benefit from fasting. It was observed in a University of Virginia study that HGH levels rose a jaw-dropping 2000% from baseline levels after 24 hours of fasting. But the idea of fasting that long might sound scary – so you don’t have to do that. You could just fast for 16 hours a day or eat about 600 calories on each of the two preferred days every week. Fasting causes insulin and body fat levels to dip – this is quite beneficial for boosting growth hormone production.

Do a liver detox

One of the things you can do to improve the natural production of growth hormones is to detoxify your liver. Why is this important? When the pituitary gland secretes HGH, it travels to the liver where it stimulates the production of IGF-1, through which the hormone performs a good number of its functions. The liver will not be able to efficiently produce IGF-1 unless it is functioning properly. Detoxification helps to clear out everything that is capable of inhibiting the organ’s functions.

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Improve the quality of sleep

With so many things to worry about in modern society, you might find that you do not sleep very well most nights. This can harm HGH production. Growth hormone is mostly produced when you are in a deep sleep. But that may be inhibited if you wake every few minutes after going to bed. You can enhance the quality of your sleep by taking certain steps, such as reading in the evening, avoiding blue light before going to bed, using a melatonin supplement, or sleeping in a dark room.

Take vitamins C and D

Vitamins C and D are known to contribute in certain ways to boost HGH levels. Low levels of growth hormone have been observed in individuals with low vitamin C and D levels. This suggests raising the amount in the body may help with HGH production. Italian researchers at the University of Genova found that vitamin D has a hand in several vital processes that can boost HGH levels.

HGH Benefits With natural ingredients

There are numerous natural ingredients that have been shown in numerous studies to help promote the production of HGH by the pituitary gland. Those ones containing one or several of the following ingredients can be hugely beneficial:

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Get a good laugh now and then

Laugh! You probably didn’t know that simply laughing can help you raise your HGH levels. However, laughter has been shown to be useful for boosting the amount of growth hormone in the body. It was found in a 1989 study that men experienced a massive 87 percent surge in HGH levels after watching a comedy video for an hour. A 27 percent rise in the number of endorphins was also observed in the Loma Linda University study.

Important Information On HGH Use

There may be some temptation to try a growth hormone of rDNA origin (somatropin). This is identical to the substance naturally produced in the body, thus raising the likelihood of getting whatever benefits you desire faster. Many professional bodybuilders and celebrities are believed to be using somatropin injections for bodybuilding and fighting aging. In the United States, you stand at risk of fines and possible imprisonment if caught with synthetic growth hormone, unless you have a reliable prescription from a doctor. You must have been medically diagnosed to have low levels to be considered a candidate for these injections. We are not even talking about how exorbitant the costs of these injections are.

Read Also: HGH Deficiency and Its Effects on Women

The strict regulation of the distribution of synthetic growth hormone means you may have to get your supply from the black market unless you have been diagnosed with a serious deficiency that could adversely impact your health. There is no guarantee of the quality of the product you will be getting from such a purchase. The product you buy may have little or no growth hormone. Worse still, it might contain substances that can be harmful to your health.

In addition to the above, somatropin injections can give rise to some unpleasant side effects in some situations, especially when used in excessive amounts. Some of the possible side effects include:

There is also the risk of incorrect use if you are a novice when it comes to syringes. Growth hormone offers many great benefits that can improve your look, physical health, mental health, and overall quality of life. However synthetic growth hormone is not recommended for tapping into despite the many desired benefits. A good diet, exercise, and a healthy lifestyle play a crucial role in raising HGH levels naturally which should be first considered before trying HGH injections.

FAQs About HGH Benefits, Legality and Risks

  1. Is HGH Safe?
    As long as HGH is taken under the supervision of a knowledgeable doctor in the right dosage the chances of serious side effects are very slim.  However, because HGH is not FDA-approved for anti-aging, most of those who use it obtain HGH injections through illicit channels and thus do not get the proper medical supervision.
  2. Why Is HGH Illegal?
    HGH is not illegal if it is obtained through a prescription and for FDA-approved conditions.  However, using HGH to boost performance and for anti-aging purposes is not FDA-approved. Buying black-market HGH is risky as there is a high risk of obtaining counterfeits which could cause serious health issues.  Furthermore, buying HGH without a prescription is a felony in the US and can land you in prison.
  3. Why is HGH bad?
    HGH is a powerful hormone and if used correctly has hardly any serious side effects.  However, in the case a person is not sure whether they have undiagnosed cancer or not; adding HGH to the mix could be devastatingly bad.
  4. How Can I Naturally Increase my HGH Levels?
    It is a well-proven fact that fasting raises HGH levels dramatically. High-intensity interval Training is also proven to raise HGH levels.  You may also take HGH supplements that contain certain well-known HGH-boosting ingredients such as Arginine.
  5. How long does it take HGH to work?
    HGH Injections such as Norditropin, Saizen, and Genotropin in principle start to work immediately on the cellular level but to see sizable results you must wait for at least 3 months. Depending on your goals the time it will take to get final results will vary. For more on what to expect from HGH go here!
  6. What is HGH, and what does it do?
    HGH, or human growth hormone, is a hormone produced by the pituitary gland that plays a role in growth, metabolism, and cellular repair.
  7. Can HGH improve skin health?
    HGH may promote collagen production, potentially improving skin elasticity and reducing wrinkles.
  8. Does HGH help with weight loss?
    Research suggests HGH could increase metabolic rate and promote fat breakdown, including abdominal fat.
  9. Can HGH therapy improve sleep quality?
    Some studies indicate HGH therapy might support deeper and more restful sleep.
  10. Does HGH benefit brain function?
    HGH may improve memory, focus, and cognitive function, but results can vary.
  11. How does HGH affect bone health?
    HGH has been linked to improved bone density and may reduce the risk of osteoporosis.
  12. 7. Does HGH boost immunity?
    There is evidence that HGH might enhance immune function by supporting antibody production and gut health.
  13. Can HGH improve sexual function?
    HGH may improve libido and sexual satisfaction, though results differ between individuals.
  14. Is HGH safe for everyone?
    HGH therapy may not be safe for everyone and should only be considered under medical supervision.
  15. What are the risks of HGH therapy?
    Potential risks include bloating, high blood sugar, carpal tunnel syndrome, and abnormal tissue growth.
  16. Is natural HGH production affected by age?
    Yes, HGH production tends to decline with age, starting in the 30s.
  17. How can I naturally boost my HGH levels?
    Lifestyle changes, such as exercise, fasting, and adequate sleep, may help increase HGH levels.
  18. Is HGH therapy legal?
    In the U.S., HGH therapy is legal only with a prescription for medically diagnosed deficiencies.
  19. Can HGH help with muscle growth?
    HGH may promote lean muscle mass and enhance muscle strength, but effects vary.
  20. Does HGH affect energy levels?
    HGH could potentially increase energy levels in individuals with deficiencies.
  21. How does HGH affect heart health?
    Some research suggests HGH might improve cardiac function and reduce cardiovascular risks.
  22. Can HGH help with faster healing?
    HGH has been associated with faster wound and fracture healing in some studies.
  23. What are the symptoms of HGH deficiency?
    Symptoms may include fatigue, reduced muscle mass, increased fat, thin skin, and mood changes.
  24. How is HGH deficiency diagnosed?
    HGH deficiency is typically assessed through IGF-1 levels, not direct HGH measurement.
  25. Should I use synthetic HGH?
    Synthetic HGH should only be used under medical guidance due to potential risks and legal restrictions.
  26. Are there alternatives to synthetic HGH?
    Natural methods, such as exercise, diet, and supplements, may support HGH production.
  27. Can HGH prevent aging?
    While HGH might offer anti-aging benefits, it is not a cure for aging, and long-term effects are uncertain.
  28. Does HGH interact with other medications?
    HGH might interact with medications, so consulting a healthcare provider is essential.
  29. Is HGH therapy expensive?
    Yes, HGH therapy can be costly and may require ongoing treatment.
  30. What lifestyle changes support HGH levels?
    Regular exercise, good sleep hygiene, and reducing sugar intake might help maintain HGH levels.
  31. Can laughter increase HGH levels?
    Some studies suggest laughter might boost HGH levels, but more research is needed.
  32. How does intermittent fasting affect HGH?
    Intermittent fasting may increase HGH levels by reducing insulin and body fat.
  33. Is HGH suitable for athletes?
    HGH use is restricted in sports due to ethical and legal concerns, though it may enhance performance.
  34. Can HGH improve hair growth?
    HGH may promote hair growth and thickness, but results are not guaranteed.
  35. How long does it take to see benefits from HGH therapy?
    Timeframes vary, but some individuals report benefits within weeks to months of therapy.
  36. Are HGH supplements effective?
    Some supplements may help stimulate natural HGH production, but their efficacy is often debated.
  37. Can obesity lower HGH levels?
    Obesity has been linked to lower HGH levels, and weight loss might improve them.
  38. Can HGH be used to treat erectile dysfunction?
    HGH might benefit some men with erectile dysfunction, but evidence is limited.
  39. Is HGH therapy reversible if I experience side effects?
    Most side effects may subside after stopping therapy, but medical consultation is advised.
  40. What is the connection between HGH and insulin?
    High insulin levels might suppress HGH production, highlighting the importance of sugar management.
  41. Can HGH help with mood disorders?
    Some evidence suggests HGH may improve mood and emotional stability, but outcomes vary.


Velloso, C. P. (2009). Regulation of muscle mass by growth hormone and IGF-I. British Journal of Pharmacology. https://doi.org/10.1038/bjp.2008.153

Kim, K. R., Nam, S. Y., Song, Y. D., Lim, S. K., Lee, H. C., & Huh, K. B. (1999). Low-Dose Growth Hormone Treatment with Diet Restriction Accelerates Body Fat Loss, Exerts Anabolic Effect and Improves Growth Hormone Secretory Dysfunction in Obese Adults. Hormone Research, 51(2), 78–84. https://dx.doi.org/10.1159/000023319

Cleveland Clinic. (2022, June 21). Growth Hormone Deficiency (GHD): Symptoms & Treatment. Retrieved July 13, 2023, from https://my.clevelandclinic.org/health/diseases/23343-growth-hormone-deficiency-ghd

Drug Enforcement Administration. (2019). Human Growth Hormone. Diversion Control Division. Retrieved August 11, 2023, from https://www.deadiversion.usdoj.gov/drug_chem_info/hgh.pdf


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