For as long as humans have existed they have always been seeking to live long and healthy lives. However, life in old age is often associated with many diseases where both physical and mental health is impaired.
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The Japanese have the longest average lifespan in the world and are much less likely to suffer from diseases such as diabetes cardiovascular diseases and cancers in old age. Because of this many scientists have been taking a closer look at how they live, what they eat, and how physically active they are. Keeping that in mind, in this article we are going to also find out how long people are expected to live in 20, 50, and even 100 years.
Today’s Life Expectancy at Birth
Who does not dream of a long and healthy life? And in fact, there is a basis for these dreams – we are living longer and longer. For example, in the Stone Age period, people lived for only 18 or 20 years on average, in Ancient Greece and Rome, most people died between 20 and 30, in the Middle Ages they often reached 30, and around 1900 – people lived until approximately 40. Since then, the situation has changed significantly. In 2000, an inhabitant of the planet lived an average of 66 years, and in 2022, according to, the average human life expectancy in the world increased to 73.2 years. It is interesting to notice that women live a little longer than men with a life expectancy of around 75.6 years, while men only reach an average of about 70.8 years.
The questions that come to mind now are: will this increasing trend in life expectancy continue and how long are humans expected to live in the future?
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Longevity in the Future
According to statistics presented by the United Nations, globally, life expectancy at birth is expected to rise from 72.6 years in 2019 to 77.1 years in 2050. It is estimated that people will reach a life expectancy at birth of 79.3 years worldwide by the 2070s. According to though, humans may reach a life expectancy of 82.1 years by the year 2100. However, we should not forget the differences between countries because a large economic and social gap still remains between different nations worldwide. Here again, a natural question comes into our minds – what are the reasons for the constantly increasing life expectancy at birth? And while it may seem like we can’t do anything about our lifespan right now, there are science-based lifestyle tips that can help us live healthier and longer lives. In fact, according to Dr. Shigeaki Hinora a healthy living expert who also was one of 86000 supercentenarians in Japan, everyone seeking to live a long healthy life should follow his tips about longevity.
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Longevity Health Tips
Exercising Reduce Risk of Dying
If you want to live a long life, get on a bike or a treadmill, because many studies show that physical exercise reduces the probability of early death. Walking is one of the simplest forms of physical activity as it is suitable even for the elderly. Studies have shown that walking also adds extra years to your life. Women over 60 were less likely to die in the next six years if they went for a walk. Every 1,000 steps taken per day reduced the risk of dying in the next six years by 28%.
Healthy Nutrition – A Key to Long Life
True, the conclusions of the study by nutrition experts were not surprising. It is widely recognized that nutrition has a significant impact on our health, regardless of age. Also, our eating habits can have a huge impact on the development of diseases, as well as longevity. Even Hippocrates noted, “Let food be medicine.” The results of various studies show that eating more plant-based foods and less processed meat increases life expectancy.
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Having a positive mindset is everything
As life expectancy increases, more and more people are falling into the senior age group, and many of them are active and in good spirits. However there are people who while still far from retirement age, are in much poorer health conditions. Part of this can be explained by poor physical health, but still, some live full lives to the best of their abilities despite their health problems. The point is being in good spirits and having a positive mindset and outlook on life can even extend the health span of those already suffering from old age health conditions. Ideally, people suffering from old age conditions should also consider improving their diets and adding exercise to their health regimen as this would also increase their lifespan.