Early L-Dopa Administration for Age-Related Cognitive Decline and Dementia Harmful 

Age-related cognitive decline and dementia are serious public health issues with devastating consequences for individuals, caregivers, and healthcare services. The current global cost of dementia is approximately one trillion US dollars yearly and could double by 2030. While pharmacological treatments have been ineffective, recent research has shown that combining cognitive training with exercise and a healthy diet can improve cognitive functioning in at-risk older people. Exercise and dietary nutrients are both seen as enhancers of neurobiological plasticity, which may increase the effectiveness of cognitive training. Exercise and diet influence brain plasticity through their effects on dopaminergic neurotransmission. Plasticity reduces with aging. Various research has attempted to show the relationship between dopamine signaling in learning and neuroplasticity. Scientists in this new study investigated the role of medications, especially L-dopa administration, on cognitive training.

Woman with Dementia

Woman with Dementia

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Risk of medications to improve cognition

The current study involved 63 participants divided into two groups of medications. One group was on L-dopa, and the other was on placebos. Both groups had 20 cognitive training sessions over a month, and the primary outcomes were latent variables in spatial and verbal fluid intelligence. The study found no evidence of the external application of the medication on improved cognitive performance or learning in healthy older adults.

The participants on L-dopa medication improved less on visuospatial fluid intelligence, a primary outcome of the training intervention, after four weeks of working memory training than those receiving placebo treatment. Compared to placebo subjects, subjects receiving L-dopa also had slower progress during training. Six months after the intervention, the observed between-group differences in visuospatial fluid intelligence remained statistically significant. The groups also showed structural changes in a midbrain region that overlapped with the template location of the substantia nigra, a vital regulatory area rich in dopamine neurons involved in learning and plasticity. In particular, the control group showed increases in grey matter volume in this region, whereas the L-dopa group showed decreases.

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The administration of the dopamine precursor changed the balance in the biological dopaminergic systems. The researchers argue that aging should not be approached as a disease but as a physiological process with a gradual decline in biological and behavioral capabilities. The scientists call for more research into the cognitive effects of early dopamine replacement therapy in neurological disorders.

Clinical significance

The study argues against early pharmacological interventions in older healthy adults to improve broader cognitive functions. The findings also cast doubt on the efficacy of novel L-dopa-containing supplements that claim to have neuroprotective and learning-enhancing properties, highlighting the critical need to carefully investigate the cognitive outcomes of early pro-dopaminergic interventions in clinical populations.


Aging is a normal biological process with various systemic changes. The application of medicinal supplements to aging processes may have significant adverse effects that may be deleterious. Aging should be seen as a physiological state instead of a pathological one. Promoting active and healthy younger lifestyles could be more beneficial than medications in dealing with the changes associated with aging.

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Effects of daily L-dopa administration on learning and brain structure in older adults undergoing cognitive training: a randomised clinical trial


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