Artificial Intelligence Boosts Breast Tumor Detection Rates in Mammography Screening: Findings from a Swedish Study

Artificial intelligence (AI)-assisted mammography screening is safe and improves detection of breast tumors responsible for breast cancer.A Woman Receiving A Mammogram

Millions of women undergo mammography screenings every year in the US. This examination, which is used to diagnose breast cancer, is always reviewed when in doubt by at least two radiologists to increase safety.

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A Swedish study by Lund University has shown that the use of artificial intelligence (AI) increases breast tumor detection rates compared to standard screening done by a single radiologist.

Breast cancer: 20% more tumors detected using AI

To carry out the study, researchers randomly divided 80,033 women into two groups: half of them underwent AI-assisted screening, while the other received a standard double reading without the new technology.

“In our study, we used AI to identify high-risk breast cancer screenings that were double-read by radiologists. The rest of the exams were classified as low-risk and were read by a single radiologist. When reading on the screen, radiologists used AI as a detection aid, highlighting suspicious findings in the images,” explains Kristina Lång, researcher and associate professor in diagnostic radiology at Lund University and senior consultant at Skåne University Hospital, in a press release.

According to the data collected, the use of artificial intelligence resulted in 20% more cancers being detected than the standard test, without increasing the number of false positives. A false positive is when a woman is called back for further examination but no cancer is detected.

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Mammography: Artificial intelligence also reduces radiologists’ workload

In addition to improving tumor detection, the use of artificial intelligence in breast cancer screening has also improved working conditions for radiologists. According to a paper published in the journal The Lancet Oncology in early August, AI image reading reduced their workload by 44%. This means radiologists can spend more time caring for patients and thoroughly analyzing results, rather than reading screening images.

This is an important point for researchers, as Sweden, like the US, faces a shortage of specialists. They believe that AI can save valuable time for family doctors and combat long delays (appointments, results) in medicine.

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Lång, K., Josefsson, V., Larsson, A-M., Larsson, S., Högberg, C., Sartor, H., Hofvind, S., Andersson, I., & Rosso, A. (2023). Artificial intelligence-supported screen reading versus standard double reading in the Mammography Screening with Artificial Intelligence trial (MASAI): a clinical safety analysis of a randomised, controlled, non-inferiority, single-blinded, screening accuracy study. The Lancet Oncology, 24(8), P936-944.

Lund University. (2023, August). AI-supported mammography screening found to be safe. Retrieved August 5, 2023, from


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