Simple Reasons Why You Might Experience Heart Palpitations

You brush your teeth quietly and your heart starts beating faster and palpitating. Don’t panic! The erratic heartbeat is not necessarily a sign of a heart problem, but it can be caused by surprising reasons.

Heart Monitor

Heart Monitor

Sometimes you may feel palpitations in your chest, with a faster or even an irregular heartbeat. In most cases, this is not serious. The first thing you need to do is relax. Sit down, take a few deep breaths and then drink a glass of water. This should help bring the heart back into a more regular rhythm, especially if the irregular heartbeats have a very simple reason.

Too much caffeine from too much coffee

As you know, caffeine is a stimulant. This means that it stimulates the autonomic nervous system (the involuntary nervous system that controls the heartbeat, among other things). So if you have drunk too much coffee (or caffeinated energy drinks), it can cause your heart to beat faster.

Read Also: Tooth Brushing May Help You Avert Heart Failure Research Shows

Make yourself a cup of herbal decaf tea instead, but if this heartbeat is accompanied by dizziness or light-headedness, make an appointment with your doctor anyway.

Your nose is congested

And to make it easier to breathe, you are taking a medication based on pseudoephedrine (Sudafed), a molecule with vasoconstrictive properties. Medicines that contain pseudoephedrine (available without a prescription) can cause palpitations in people with hypersensitivity or high blood pressure. They can even increase the risk of a heart attack when abused, according to the FDA.

To avoid these heart palpitations it is recommended to try first to decongest and cleanse the nose with a saline solution.

You are dehydrated

Our body consists of 60% water. Therefore, the loss of too much liquid (in case of heavy sweating) or insufficient drinking can lead to dehydration. This leads to dry mouth, muscle cramps and palpitations. Dehydration can lead to changes in the balance of electrolytes in your body, which lowers blood pressure and causes heart rhythm disturbances.

Visit Also: Gilmore Health News

To compensate for the loss of water in our body (urine, sweat, breathing), it is important to drink at least 1.5 liters a day.

You are deficient in iron.

Iron deficiency causes anemia which causes the body to no longer produce enough red blood cells to transport the oxygen in the blood. Although this is not always the case, anemia can sometimes cause palpitations as the heart beats harder to compensate for a lack of red blood cells to increase the amount of oxygen that can be transported.

Every day the body excretes small amounts of iron through dead cells, flakes, stool and urine. Therefore we have to cover our daily needs with a diet rich in iron. And to make sure you don’t have anemia, have your doctor do a blood test for ferritin.

NB: If your symptoms are accompanied by pain or tightness in your chest, arms, neck, jaw and back or shortness of breath or dizziness you should immediately go to the emergency room!

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