Israeli Artificial Micro Pancreas Could Make Insulin Injections Obsolete

It will only take a few years to cure diabetes according to Israeli scientists and researchers.

Betalin Therapeutics Ltd is a biotechnology company that is currently developing a micro pancreas (EMP ™) for the treatment of diabetes.



The micro pancreas is produced using unique biological scaffolding in conjunction with pancreatic islets from human sources with beta cells.

The world’s first engineered micro pancreas uses porcine lung tissue and insulin secreting cells.

The company’s goal is to replace insulin therapy by providing the body with a natural way to measure and regulate blood glucose levels.

To solve the problem of rejection of organ transplantation by the recipient’s body, Betalin Therapeutics has signed a licensing agreement with the Hebrew University for the use of cannabis molecules to ensure that the patient’s body does not reject the new pancreas.

Animal trials are over and human trials are expected to begin next year.

Eduardo Mitrani, of the Hebrew University’s Science Department, who developed the technology used by Betalin Therapeutics, explained how the artificial micro pancreas differs from other organ transplants. The pancreas is unique because it functions as a complete and autonomous organ, not as a single cell, and it can be located anywhere in the body.

The Artificial micro pancreas represents a breakthrough in the treatment of type 1 and type 2 diabetes and can improve the lives of millions of people. – said Jacob Ben-Arie, executive director of Betalin Therapeutic.



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