30.3% Of Americans Prefer This Sex Position According to New Survey

30.3% of American respondents prefer the doggy sex position, according to a survey done by Zavamed, a website that provides remote medical advice. This is followed by the missionary position, which is 28.1% of respondents, and Cowgirl, which is 20.7%. People to a lesser degree also liked help up (4.4%), 69 (9.9%), and spooning (6.5%).

Sex Positions Statistics

Sex Positions Statistics. Image Courtesy of zavamed.com

The survey points out that sexual preferences vary by gender and sexual orientation. However, the doggy style is equally popular with both genders.

The study also highlights differences between countries. Doggy style, for example, is more popular in the US, the UK, Spain, Germany, Austria, Romania, and France. Italians, Swiss, and Belgians prefer cowgirl. The held-up position is more popular in Portugal and Hungary, missionary in the Netherlands, and spooning in Poland.

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The questionnaire also asked where participants had learned about these sexual positions. For 53.8% of men, this was through pornographic films, while 42.2% of women had learned about it from a partner. When asked “Who takes the initiative to try new positions?” 75.3% of men answered that it was them, while 58.3% of women answered that it was them.

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Finally, the biggest fear of trying new methods for men was hurting their partner (37.5%) and for women, not being flexible enough (31.9%).

Sex has many health benefits

According to a US study published in 2004, the frequency of sexual intercourse affects the immune system. Researchers found that people who had sex at least twice a week had better defenses against bacteria and viruses.
On the other hand, sex can also reduce the risk of prostate cancer in men and help keep joints in good shape. But the list doesn’t end there! Sex can also help lower blood pressure in the long run – reducing the risk of heart problems – and reduce stress.

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In addition, during sex, muscles are used and the heart rate increases, while sweat helps remove toxins. Thus, the benefits are similar to exercise. Finally, the last positive aspect is that sex burns calories and also makes you fall asleep better if it takes place at night!


Sexual frequency and salivary immunoglobulin A (IgA)


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